11 – Let’s Talk About Sanity
Step 2 – Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Do I continue to abuse food or do I accept that I need a higher power? The choice should be easy, but it isn’t. Ask yourself the following questions: Do I believe that I am addicted to […]
12 – Contempt Prior to Investigation
As you read my posts you will notice that I refer mainly to the book Alcoholics Anonymous (aka the Big Book). I know many have challenges with this book that was written almost 100 years ago. So why do I make this my primary resource for working the steps? The book is written for alcoholics […]
13 – A Brand New Idea
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell I have tried to explain that in Step 1 we have a two-fold illness; physical and mental. Though the problem we have is two pronged, the real problem centers […]
14 – Do I Say OMHP Instead of OMG Now?
I heard a few speakers describe the addiction problem and the 12 Step solution by saying we have a physical illness that requires a spiritual remedy. My experience of being an active compulsive eater was throwing all my best ideas at my problem and not having anything work for any real length of time. I […]
15 – Praying to a “god” I Don’t Believe In
My first sponsor, TS, walked me through all the steps. She may have tried to convey that I needed to continue working on the steps, but it was not something I took away from our work together. After about 2 months in OA, I was releasing weight, following a food plan, and using the meetings […]
16 – And This Is Why…
Why all this talk about God/HP/god? This is why. I believe the steps do not work for people who do not believe in the definition of the two-fold illness because that person will have no impetus to follow through on the rest of the steps. The chapter “How It Works” opens with the statement that […]
17 – Step 2 Overview
Step 2 – Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Christina’s version – Became willing to believe that there was a power bigger than myself and humans in general that could get me off the food abuse merry-go-round. Personalizing it – If insanity can be explained as doing […]