Step 1 Collection

Here are all the posts I have flagged as Step 1 (aka Step 01 on the categories filter).  I have them sorted in ascending order so they can be read in progression or by title. 

02 – My Big “Why”

Even though I was an average sized kid I knew the way I ate was not OK because my mom told me so.  Repeatedly.  From around the age of 8 or 9 she explained that if I continued to eat the way I ate I would be 500 pounds and no one would want to […]

03 – My First Meeting

I went to my first OA meeting on Sunday December 27, 1998.     The baggage I carried into that first meeting was “not sure how this will work when nothing else has” as well as “this was the second worst Christmas in my dysfunctional family’s history”.  (Pretty bad when you can rate how bad a Christmas […]

04 – What Does “Powerless” Mean in OA?

In the Foreword to the First Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, nick named “The Big Book” we read that “We, of Alcoholics Anonymous, are more than one hundred men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body.”   This sentence explains that the alcoholic has a twofold illness; the illness affects […]

05 – The Problem is In My Brain

I am purposefully saying that the problem I have with food centers in my brain rather than saying in my mind.  I have experienced and observed when someone says “it’s all in your mind” the statement is meant to dismiss whatever information is being presented.    My second sponsor not only gave me the gift of […]

07 – OA’s Definition of Abstinence

Overeaters Anonymous’ definition of Abstinence is “Abstinence is the action of refraining from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight. Spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery is the result of living and working the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Step program on a daily basis.” (Follow this link and read […]

08 – Getting Abstinent (Part 1)

When I take someone through the steps, I try to meet them where they are.  Most of the people I work with are like me in that they overeat, either bingers or volume addicts.  As we work on identifying trigger foods and behaviors we also work on their own healthy relationship with the foods they […]

09 – Call a Friend (Getting Abstinent Part 2)

The week that I started abstaining from compulsive eating I noticed that by the time my next meal rolled around I was ridiculously hungry.  I am not certain if my level of hunger was due to the fact that I never really allowed myself to feel hunger and I was just not used to the […]

10 – Step 1 Overview

Step 1 – Admitted we were powerless over food – that our lives had become unmanageable Christina’s version – Admitted we could not refrain from abusing food – food made our lives (or parts of it) unmanageable. Personalize it – Once I start abusing food, I can’t stop.  If I stop, I can’t stop myself from […]

12 – Contempt Prior to Investigation

As you read my posts you will notice that I refer mainly to the book Alcoholics Anonymous (aka the Big Book).  I know many have challenges with this book that was written almost 100 years ago. So why do I make this my primary resource for working the steps? The book is written for alcoholics […]

31 – Firm Ruthlessness

I believe one reason I have experienced recovery from compulsive eating is because I have always seen my addiction as a negative entity.  Not a part of me that needs nurturing and gentle care.   Please understand, as a person I need nurturing and care.  My addiction does not.  I once heard a speaker refer to […]